eKids is the children’s ministry
at Expectation Church.
What is eKids?
eKids exists to teach kids to know and follow Jesus.
We provide a nurturing, safe, focused, and present environment for children birth through 5th grade. Through age-appropriate lessons, activities, and interactions, children learn about what the Bible says and how we can apply it to our lives.
eKids ministry during both our 9am and 11am services.
Is your family new to Expectation Church?
We would love to connect with your family and make sure your first time goes smoothly.
How do I check my child into eKids?
On your first visit, head to the eKids Check-In area. This is located in the main lobby to the right.
At eKids Check-In, you will be welcomed by a Check-In Connector who is excited to meet you.
How does eKids create a safe environment?
Creating a safe environment is one of our values for eKids.
That’s why each child is checked in to the proper location. Upon check-in, your child will receive a printed name tag with a 4-digit code, and you will receive a matching tag. After the service, you will need to show this tag to your child’s group leader in order for your child to be released from their room.

Will my child make friends in eKids?
eKids is specifically designed to help your child grow with kids in the same age group.
We are eager to support your child in each stage of life so we provide eKids environments during each of our Sunday services.

What will my child learn in eKids?
We utilize age-specific curriculum in order to help each child understand who God is through games, activities, lessons, and interactions
Connect with us
We are more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Meagan Pratt
eKids Jr. Director
Michael Rome
Next Generation Pastor